January 18,2025
July 9, Tuesday
have leeway・make up leeway
There is someleeway
Emotional leeway
July 6, Surterday
June 14, tuesday
●明晰な、分かりやすい、明快な、頭がさえている(obvious, apparant, explicit, understood)
〇有言実行 keep one’s words
〇heath span and life span , longevity
April 23,2024
〇vibrant : 活気にある、活発な、生きがいのある
●vibrant city
●vibrant voice
●vibrant color
〇Resonete 共感する こだまする
●Rook’s books resonate with me when I read in college
●That resonated in my heart
〇drag : 足を引っ張る、ながながと退屈する
●You should not drag her down.
●It’s such a drag
●The meetintg draged on
●School is such a drag
[ If I am not good to myself, how can I expect enyone elese to be goog to my]
April 17,2024
〇Qoutes ーExercise
〇 Power of passion and perseveranceーー情熱と忍耐力の力
〇Browse : 立ち読みする。拾い読みする。
〇Distriction : 気晴らし I want a distraction
〇Mandatory: 必須な、義務的、Mandatory education, mandatory administration. Mandatory cuts in greenhouse gas emission, mandatory evacuation
June 20, Tuesday
She stared at him.
Tom continued to stare out the window.
Tom struggled to keep his composure
Keep your composure.
He soon recoved his composre.
October 13,2023
The older I get less I care about what other people think of me.
Therefor the older I get , the more I enjoy life.
DEcmber 25,2023
December 30,2023
January 16, 2024
February 4, 2024
February 15,2024
I dropped some crumb on the floor.
The cake is so moist that there were no crumb left
I always picking up crumfs of information
I don′t want to hear nother crumb of gossip.
Dust and crumbs
● Crumbs and cramps
● Rewind 巻き戻す
● Unwind くつろぐ Running helps me unwind after hard work of a day.
Fer\bruary 21,20224
Garnish sweet jam on my bread
Cockitail garnish
Garnish of broccoli
He couldn't restrain himself from crying himself from sad movies
Break free from economic standstill
Break free of bad habit
March 10,204
〇Roll : まるめる、うごかす、揺れる