

〇 mindful  きずかう

  He is mindful of others.

  She is mindful of her health.

      I want to be mindful of your time. 会議を閉じます。

  He is mindful of my time.


  I feel depressed.

       The weather is depressing.

       The thought of going to work tomorrow really depressed me.

       I became depressed by all bad news about the coronavirus.

       I was in dumps because of all of the bad news about coronavirus.

      I'm feeling a little down in the dumps right now.

〇 Impudentー口幅ったい、図々しい、おくがしい

  Impudent attitude, remarks, request, 

〇 Boastful -自慢、praising yourself and what you have done

〇 Mindful きずかう

  He is mindful of your time.

  She is mindful of her health. 

  I want to be mindful of your time. 会議のまとめにはいる。終了する。

〇 Counterclockwiseー時計をまきもどす。年を若返らせる。

〇 打席:time at bat

〇 Make up for: You can not make up for health, even though you have a lot of money.


〇月とすっぽん ”chalk and cheese"

〇「ひやみかち 持ち上げる」:heave


○Passion: 情熱、夢中になってること、好きなこと、愛着

  ①Football was his passion.

  ②What is your Passion?



  ①I never heard of Jimmy Asato.

○Get attention

  ①When I saw name Asato, it got my attention.

○Wonder back

  ①I wondered back then how he became a football coach.


  ①Asato was inducted into the University of Hawaii Hall of Hornor for  his contribution to the UH football program.




 ①Slump back in his chair.

    2 Slump backward

    3 Slump back in the chair

    4.Slump down in the sofa

    5.Slump on the floor

    6.Slump from second to the fourth place.

Heartwarming, heartful, heartfelt 

 ①heartwarming story, music, movie, letter, party, conversation 


 heartbreaking story, accident, movie


 ①perpetuate a cycle of poverty-貧困を連鎖させる。

 ②perpetuate a great tradition

   ③perpetuate an administration

 ④perpetuate a system

   ⑤perpetuate negative stereotype

  ⑥perpetuate one's power

 ⑦perpetuate suffering

  ⑧perpetuate the existing order

⑨perpetuate the same problem

 ⓾perpetuate violance

 ⑪perpetuated behavior

 ⑫break down customs perpetuated by--


 ①perpetual quarrelling

    ②perpetual issue

     ③perpetual flower

     ④perpetual snow

       ⑤ a country of perpetual summer

       ⑥perpetual songs of little birds


  1. Cry tearsー涙をながす
  2. Cry tears of joy
  3. Dogs can cry tears of joy like us
  4. She crys hot (bitter) tears
  5. Cry for reform
  6. Cry against reform

○Stant Lean   tilt   crook    ー 傾く 傾いている

  1. The sign is slanted to the left。
  2. The sign is tilted to the left.
  3. The sign is crooked to the left 
  4. Slanting shadow
  5. Slanting rain

○Diagonal 斜めに

  1. The is a cosmic shop diagonal to the school. 

○めずらしい 希少な 普通でない:unusual, rare, unique, uncommon

  1. It is   unusual to have snow in November
  2. It is unusual for him to miss a day at school
  3. This species of plant is rare.
  4. African safarin tours offer a unique experience.
  5. There are a lot of unique flavors around the world.