〇 mindful きずかう
He is mindful of others.
She is mindful of her health.
I want to be mindful of your time. 会議を閉じます。
He is mindful of my time.
I feel depressed.
The weather is depressing.
The thought of going to work tomorrow really depressed me.
I became depressed by all bad news about the coronavirus.
I was in dumps because of all of the bad news about coronavirus.
I'm feeling a little down in the dumps right now.
〇 Impudentー口幅ったい、図々しい、おくがしい
Impudent attitude, remarks, request,
〇 Boastful -自慢、praising yourself and what you have done
〇 Mindful きずかう
He is mindful of your time.
She is mindful of her health.
I want to be mindful of your time. 会議のまとめにはいる。終了する。
〇 Counterclockwiseー時計をまきもどす。年を若返らせる。
〇 打席:time at bat
〇 Make up for: You can not make up for health, even though you have a lot of money.
〇月とすっぽん ”chalk and cheese"
〇「ひやみかち 持ち上げる」:heave
○Passion: 情熱、夢中になってること、好きなこと、愛着
①Football was his passion.
②What is your Passion?
①I never heard of Jimmy Asato.
○Get attention
①When I saw name Asato, it got my attention.
○Wonder back
①I wondered back then how he became a football coach.
①Asato was inducted into the University of Hawaii Hall of Hornor for his contribution to the UH football program.
①Slump back in his chair.
2 Slump backward
3 Slump back in the chair
4.Slump down in the sofa
5.Slump on the floor
6.Slump from second to the fourth place.
○Heartwarming, heartful, heartfelt
①heartwarming story, music, movie, letter, party, conversation
①heartbreaking story, accident, movie
①perpetuate a cycle of poverty-貧困を連鎖させる。
②perpetuate a great tradition
③perpetuate an administration
④perpetuate a system
⑤perpetuate negative stereotype
⑥perpetuate one's power
⑦perpetuate suffering
⑧perpetuate the existing order
⑨perpetuate the same problem
⓾perpetuate violance
⑪perpetuated behavior
⑫break down customs perpetuated by--
①perpetual quarrelling
②perpetual issue
③perpetual flower
④perpetual snow
⑤ a country of perpetual summer
⑥perpetual songs of little birds
- Cry tearsー涙をながす
- Cry tears of joy
- Dogs can cry tears of joy like us
- She crys hot (bitter) tears
- Cry for reform
- Cry against reform
○Stant Lean tilt crook ー 傾く 傾いている
- The sign is slanted to the left。
- The sign is tilted to the left.
- The sign is crooked to the left
- Slanting shadow
- Slanting rain
○Diagonal 斜めに
- The is a cosmic shop diagonal to the school.
○めずらしい 希少な 普通でない:unusual, rare, unique, uncommon
- It is unusual to have snow in November
- It is unusual for him to miss a day at school
- This species of plant is rare.
- African safarin tours offer a unique experience.
- There are a lot of unique flavors around the world.