APril 22,2024
“I know that I have less to live than I have lived.
I feel like a child who was given a box of chocolates. He enjoys eating it, and when he sees that there is not much left, he starts to eat them with a special taste.

April 19,2024

  • “Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.”



  • Life is a lot likes sports, if you don't play, you are going to spend a lot of your time watching others score.
  • My father was a reserved man, he didn't want me to post his work out of shame.
  • Don't put off what you need to do today till another day, you may never live to see another. Tomorrow is a hope, not a promise, live it to the fullest.
  • Every is an important day and in a moment, it will be gone. See today is another opportunity that life presents to get things done
  • The day is short  and work is much 「日暮れて道遠し」
  • 「老人老い易く 若さ維持がたし。日々の運動かるんずべからず」(ナカオジ)
  • In the late 1970, I was inspired as a student to read Earnest Hemingway carefully.
  • The old that is strong, does not wither, deep roots not reached by the frost.
  • Do something everyday that will take you closer to a better tomorrow. The size of what you does not matter, what matter is that you do it.
  • Success is not just about being the grit and determination to keep pushing forward, even when the going tough


  • A person is strong only when he stands upon his own truth, when he speaks, and acts with deepest conviction.


  • The more you give, better you live.
  • Live in such way that your life daily adds value to others
  • You are a gift to the world, don't let a day go by without making someone glad that you are alive.


  • 努力に即効性はない。あきらめずに続けることで成果が生まれる(努力と成果)


  • The greatest lesson I have learned is that I still have a lot to learn.(face book)
  • Mistakes increase your experience, and experience decrease your mistakes.
  • Memories are always special. Sometimes we laugh be remembering the days we cried, And cried by remembering the days we cried.
  • Humans are only creature who will cut down a tree, make paper out of it, then write "Save the Trees" on the papaer.
  • If you cannot explain something in plain, simple English terms, you don't understand it yourself
  • Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb but how well you bounce.













「Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain」


「The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts,but the training of the mind to think」(Albert Einstein)


Charlie Chaplin

 The six best doctors in the world:

  1. Sunshin
  2. Rest
  3. Exercise
  4. Diet
  5. Self-esteem
  6. Friends
  7. The most wasted day in life is the days don't laugh 


 〇”Worthless people live to eat and drinki; People of worth eat and drink to live.



Charlie ChaplinFebruary 21,2024)

[The mirror is my best friend , because when I cry it never laughs]

[I like running in the reain , because no one see my crying]





Anyone can be couregeous when there is nothing to fear.

Anyone can smile where there is no pain.

Your true character is reaved when things are tough and the roads are rough.

(October 31, 2023)



Octover 31, 2023

(Mady Qoutes)

I's easy to be glad when things are good, it's stating joyful is tough times that' haard.


To endure the challenge that come with life,whole others are looking for the easy way out.

To choose the upward throuth difficult part while others enjyoy the comfort of doing nothing








If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.


「今 頑張れば未来は変わる」
















January 14,2024

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

 [Alone can do so little. Toghter we can do so much]

Helen Keller(ヘレン・ケラー)


  • 情報から英知は生まれる。多く読む、聞く、話す、見る

Charlie ChaplinFebruary 21,2024)

[The mirror is my best friend , because when I cry it never laughs]

[I like running in the reain , because no one see my crying]


Plato (FacebooknoPickles より) February 23,3024)


「I’m the wiseset man alive,for I know one thing]

What is that?

That is that I know nothing.

Who told that to him. His wife did.