5月13日 2024
●腹筋 :abdominal muscle , stomach musllllcle
①腹筋する:sit -up, do sit-up
●背筋 :back muscles
①do back extention
●筋トレ : workout
①do wour out
●腕立て伏せ :push - up
●腹筋 :crunch, sit-up , abs
①Sit -up are worthless
「The celebrity fitness trainer Anna Kaiser says that many peopke are doing their
crunches wrong and that it's making their belly fulge.
●腹・腹部 : belly , stomarh
①have a empty belly
②have a full belly
③Belly has no ears.
④belly fat, big belly
⑤I haeve a bir belly
April 6,SaterdayExtinct-died out
- Native Okinawan launguage is on the way to extinction. Some of them has died out because of decease of numuber of speaking people . More than 90% of local
peaple use Japanese in their daily life. Young peaple and majority of adults can not speak nor understund native language. So, It is thought thay Okinawan languarge is endangered language.
The Koala is slowly dying out because of the widefire.
Janauary 22,20
Dread : fear, warry 恐怖
- Dread Monday
- Dread doing~
- Middle age is dreaded as a time of crisis
- Dread being alone
- Dread caring for others
- Dread ciming home at night
- Dread failture
Dread getting old
- Dread going to school
- Dread having to do homework
- Dread having to speak in front of people
- Dread working with him
- Dread illness
- Dread retirement
- Dread falling down
Brawse 立ち読みする。閲覧する。拾い読みする。
- I spent a few hours browsing on the internet.
- I'm just browsing, thank you.
- I usualy browse the internets for a couple hours each evening
- A lot to toursits were browsing the souvenia shops
- I was browsing throgh the old magazine.
- I enjoyed browsing his essays
- 草を食べる
- The donkey was browsing quietly
Outlive (Februay 17,2024)
- より長生きする
- Outlive one’s usefulness- 役にたたなくなる。価値がなくなる
The book has outlived it usefulness.
Sometimes I feel old and usefulness. I mean, biologically, we've outlived our usefulness.
Wives usually outlive husubands.
February 29,3024
〇mosey ouzi ぶらつく ぶらぶら歩く
- Mosey along
- Mosey around the sto
〇Staring じっと見る
Why are you staring at me
〇Utlive : 長生きする、長持ちする 賞味期限が切れる 生き残る Live longer
I’ve outlived my usefuness.
Wives usually outlive husbands
She outlive her husband by many years.
He outlive his family.